I found that title on the front page of one of my mothers magazines. It was staring at me as i was in the washroom. I think on the front cover of an interior design magazine, but it immediately spoke to me about life.
I don't think i've been playing a strong enough role in my life lately. I mean, its passing me by, day by day, and i seem to be alright with that. Without figuring anything out. Just riding the waves. I think i'm going to start trying to swim through...
Kallie asked me the other day, where i saw myself in 15 years. Truthfully, i see me...me with me, myself and i. And thats about all i see. I want to see farther. More details. Help me paint the picture. Please. Or at least be patient with me while i choose the colors and round up the supplies.
Ok. Enough bad analagies.
Song of the moment: Track 5 from Jadon Scheme - Graham Tilsley
Sometimes...you need to hear it...
So do i...