Monday, January 28, 2008

Death is the road to awe.

In life, there is death.

But in death, there is also life.

Song of the moment: Whisper of a Thrill - Meet Joe Black Soundtrack

This photo is taken from It was taken by lockedinwar and is titled "the birth of a firework".

Thursday, January 24, 2008

It's only after we've lost everything, that we're free to do anything.

Both a movie that i was watching the other night, and a blogg that a friiend of mine has, have got me to thinking lately.

We, as a people, are obsessed with trying to better our lives. Which, in my opinion, is usually a pretty good thing.

What seems to enthrall us most though, is that someday, we will die.

What i don't agree with, is that most people view this as a bad thing.

Now, i'm not suicidal or anything. I promise. But it really seems silly to me that people will devote all their time to trying to solve what is, and i belive should be, inevitable.

Death can't cease. It is a natural part of life.

Without death, there is no life.

There are several definitions for life. Here are a couple that i found:

Life: 1) The period during which something is functional (as between birth and death).
2) The period from the present until death.

Now, take a second and contemplate what we so desire.

Eternal life.

Sure, we'd be around for ever. We'd have time to experience everything that the world and our imaginations have to offer.

But the meaning of everything would be lost. Nothing would matter anymore. It wouldn't matter what you didn't do. The decisions you make would cease to have meaning because there would be no choices to be made. No deciding to be done, since you'd have time to do everything.

Everything is more beautiful when we know it will end. Everything has more meaning because it happened before it was over.

The things that we do, and the things that we don't, are what shape us as human beings and individuals. What would there be to shape us, if we all got a chance to experience everything??

We'd all become carbon copies, and that is a whole other discussion so don't let me start rambling on that topic.

Plus, there's the whole fact that while we are all trying to elongate our lives, we're not trying to stop reproducing our species. What do we plan to do with all the new people coming into the world, if none of us are leaving? We're finding it hard enough to all survive in harmony with the amount that we have now. What will we do then?

"When a butterfly flaps it's wings, an earthquake strikes half way across the world."
"When one door closes, another one opens."
"When one life ends, another one begins."

All these sayings can be relevent to this situation.

Life, is like a revolving door. When you jamm something in the track, no one can get in or out.

I like to believe that when we're done with this life, we start something new.

Sure, this life that we have now is great.

But why hold on to it, when you could be missing out on what's to come??

What if it's wonderful?

Don't you want to find out??

Go out and see something beautiful, before your time here in done.

Song of the moment: Let go by Frou Frou

This photo is taken from It was taken by styannez and is titled "end of day".

The blogg i was speaking about can be found here: Take a look at the lucifer project post.