Friday, June 17, 2005

Into the Looking Glass.

Unnoticed, would anyone notice if i just disappeared? In a poof of silver smoke, or just a quick popping noise and oop, i'm gone.
Would you care?
You seem safisfied enough with the world the way it is, why would you need me around.
Comic relief? A shoulder to cry on when things aren't going your way?
Fuck that. You wouldn't need that shoulder if you simply walked down the right fucking path.
But alas, it will be there, whenever you need it, like clock work. All you'll need to do is ask, and the tears will be dried, the rivers stopped and the understanding arms opened up for you to curl up and feel that everything will be alright.
I'm here.
for you.

Song of the moment: The Blowers Daughter by Damien Rice

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

A walk in the park.

Hey guys.

Well....not much to say today, i apologize for not being in a writing mood lately. Hopefully after finals and grad are over, i will have more to say. These are some pictures that i LOVE.
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You can go here to check out more of his amazing work.

Song of the moment: Word of God Speak by MercyMe

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Stumbling along the cobbled path into the garden.

I want to start doing something that matters.
My life is pointless, how much longer can i go on in this meaningless existence, before its outrun its welcome?

Monday, June 06, 2005

I feel alive.

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Sunday, June 05, 2005

Pins & Needles.


I really enjoy life when new friendships are blossoming and old ones are deepening.

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I like this photo immensly.

Song of the moment: Hide & Seek by Imogen Heap