Wednesday, March 16, 2005

The Thoughts of Eric.

Some thoughts from a good friend, Eric. Read them. Or don't. It won't change your life. Or maybe it will. I dont know.


Earlier tonight, I enabled myself to open my eyes. My reason...because life is boring, and I need a reason to be happy. I started thinking tonight, and the things I thought of, I could only dream of thinking by myself, but a person, a friend, filled in the blanks, and enlightened me to things which I couldn't make-up, or make myself believe I understood. Every complex, university degree, sentence he said, didn't end with a period, it ended with an explanation, and helped me understand.

We talked of our beliefs. Belief in God, belief in angels, and belief in the supernatural. I voiced my belief that, everyone is a soul and after life finds a place of peace. A soul meaning, I will find a place to move on to, and the only way I will know where to go, is because in my life, I have truly found what I enjoy doing based on what my routine is (If my mind was dark and cold, and flooded, I would look for a dark, cold home). I also believe in God, I believe there is a reason why were here, and that he knows, and he created us for a purpose.

Also, we talked of angels. We agreed that the term "Angel" means, "A god-like being" meaning, close to god, but not quite, because God is too pure, and too holy, and nothing compares to him. We also put together our ideas and agreed that when you watch television, and you see an angel, with the white robe, and wings, and halo, that is the world's best idea to describe an angel..."Bright, Beautiful, Holy, and looks like Everyone" and I agree with T.V. because an angel is us. We are guides, positive influences, inspirations, and as you express these traits to another person, they take in the knowledge we have shared, and better themselves, and others.

Drugs... I believe we need them. The world was meant to be holy, and but still is, because, although, drugs are circulating, and being used, no one can say everyone that has tried drugs is a failure and fuck up... perhaps drugs can help you understand life, and reality. Some creative, and original ideas were invented by people using drugs, and what is funny is that some people have branched off, or been inspired by an idea that was created on drugs.

I, myself, would be content, with never finding out what reality is, or even who I am, for that matter. My theory is that, finding out who you are is, is like being a virgin. Once you have had that crave to have sex, and finally get it, it becomes old news, and somewhat boring. So if I discovered who I was, what would be the meaning of my life... NOTHING AT ALL... I have found what everyone exceeds to search for, and I have spent, not all, but some of my life trying to figure out who I was, and realized it was better on the otherside when I didn't know.

"Life is a roadtrip, you don't know where your going, and that is the beauty of it."

I believe life shouldn't be expected to have routine, it's bullshit. I want to live every day different. Not meaning I went to my 'routine' job, and had a different discussion with my former employee, I mean exploring what God gave us, as such people, and the world, and more.

I myself am a temple full of flaws, as well as everyone, and If I had a wish it would to have the enlightenment to know when I am doing something wrong, like being rude, or being angry for the wrong reason. But the world is like that, everyone is always using someone or something, and it's sad, it's very sad. This also has nothing to do with contradicting the fact of never finding out who you are. It deals with living life spontaneous, and not using what you want, when you want.

(Exploited - To make use of selfishly or unethically: a country that exploited peasant labor.)

In first world countries, business men, and companies, are constantly in a fight for's called being fucking selfish! They think, "hey! I live in a first world country, and my dollar is worth more than that third-world country over there, so why not take advantage of the people in that country." I 100% say FUCK THEM, and would love to place them under the foot. I DO NOT BELIEVE IN COMMUNISM. I believe in a system where everyone is treated fairly. Color, or race shouldn't make any difference. I believe that the harder you work, the more you should make. It is a fight for food/survival world, so why should the regular lazy ass couch potato, have more than what the doctor, or lawyer has? We live in an environment where we walk outside on our paved sidewalks, and think that we are better, and worth more value than the 13 year old boy searching through dumps, for bottles and cans to pay for supper. If you observe you will notice, that on the land of a third-world country our the cement paved buildings, sent by first world countries, like us, to exploit, and use the people living there. We pay them less, because LESS IS MORE to them...and it is very fucking sad. They are not given the abilities, and opportunies to have the schooling, and jobs such as everyone in our country do, and yet we use them, and abuse them. We are stealing their dreams, and changing them into what we believe they should dream... And the world... It is very very sad fucking place...and I... I took advantage as well. I am nothing but a good-for-nothing, no-life drop-out, that threw away everything because it came for free, and I took it for granted. Like a brand new bike in the city dump, because it didn't go fast enough...


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