Thursday, December 08, 2005

Midnight rantings of a distraught college student.

The beginning of relationnship, the sparks, the chemisty, when everythng is working perfectly...i think we've all had a taste of this at one point or another in our lives.
And i think i'd be safe to say that most of us have witnessed this feeling fly out the window like a frightened bird two or so weeks into the relationship. I myself have in the past, seen this as a sign to move on, that this relationship wasn't meant to be.
But what if that's not the case. What if that is just meant to be a glimpse into what could happen between the two of you down the road, how your lives could turn out.

I've recently come to believe the latter, that this is some kind of short glance into what life could be like, if you're willing to put the time in to make it work. It's almost like it's the incentive to continue down the path of life with this person, because you know now, how good life can be.

How many perfect relationships have i turned my back on so far in my blindness...

Song of the moment: Dreams by Ashley and Graham Tilsley


Blogger Ash said...

interesting thought niki... i like it when you blog... please don't stop.. :)

2:10 AM  

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