Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Contemplation with Cameron.

Cam and i were discussing how people change this evening when i saw an old picture of him with his long hair and commented on how i missed the old Cam that i saw in that picture. Not only in the physical aspects, but their whole persona/personality. I realized that i had been thinking about this for my friend Brendon just a few weeks or so ago. I mean, i love the Brendon thats here now dearly, but i couldn't help but shed a tear for the old one that i had come to know and trust so deeply.

So, to the old Brendon, i'll miss your punky pants that were big enough to fit five of you in, your old taste in music, our $40 loonie shopping spree's in Walmart, your fabulous massages when you would brush my hair at the same time, and most of all, mellowing on your couch to the mellow song while we dreaded missing you like crazy. To you, goodbye.

I guess we really do only have the time that we are given. Sure, it seems like we will have plenty of time to sleep in a tent in our backyard with our best friends, but no other night will be like tonight. Because tomorrow, that friend will be slightly different, we will be slightly different. We have today. So take time to remember past friends that have changed into the friends that we have now, but go out and seize the memories of tomorrow, today.

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Song's of the moment: Wonderwall by Oasis

Somewhere Over the Rainbow & What a Wonderful World by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole


Blogger Clifford said...

You know I'm not too sure its actually people that change all that much, well some do forsure, I think its just that relationships tend to drift apart, and people like to dwell on all the good times. Then when they spend time with them again, they can't help but think of when you used to be really close, and when whatever it was that made you close isn't there anymore there is more of an awkwardness and thats really all thats different. But I think I only think about it like this because I havn't changed at all since elementary school, well, other than the excessive drinking, and math skills.

7:59 AM  
Blogger Syxx said...

Maybe you have and you just don't see it. I think you have.

11:45 PM  
Blogger Dingus said...

Nice thoughts, Niki-hicky. :)

We're all chameleons. The most naive are brightly colored, better spotted by predators, and are crushed quickly by society. The most adaptable people change rapidly, maintaining their individuality but socially conscious; readily-changing people are molded into survivors.

Survivor isn't a shitty reality show, it's an essential societal factor. People change. But at the same time, they stay the same.

11:20 AM  

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