Monday, May 30, 2005

Clear as mud.

Wow. I read Ho's blog and i think i may have clarity into my most recent mood problems. Maybe i have been so caught up in puting an act on lately that i'm ok, that i am finally internally combusting.
If this is so, then here it is.

Dear World,

I'm not okay.

Sincerely, Me.


Blogger Clifford said...

You know what Niki? I'm not okay either. But thats okay. And I don't think you should feel bad about the way that you are feeling. If your putting on an act that your okay its nothing to be ashamed about. I don't like people dwelling in my personal business either. But I'm also not afraid to tell people that I'm pissed off and they should fuck off. So if your not happy then let it shine,(or keep it to yourself, if you don't want people to know) if the world doesn't respect what your feeling then fuck em all! Thats just my opinion anyway. But then again I'm not the happiest person out there, so maybe my advice isn't the greatest. But either way, its okay to not be okay.

The drunkard.

12:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know who clifford is.. but i agree with what he's saying.. i'm not a very happy guy, but many people don't know that. and i think that most people don't want to hear about my problems.. especially when they are internal problems that no advice can sort out. "I'm unhappy." joining yoga isnt going to fix that.. there is no answer to my problem.. and if i want to keep any friends, i have to stop showing my true feelings and be the "cheerful" me. I have to save my sharing moments for when i'm really down.. because everyone would be sick of my sharing if i did it all the time..

i'm not proof reading this, so if it doesnt' make any sense.. then i apologize.. but i hope i get my general point across.. thanks for blogging! :)


12:13 AM  
Blogger Matthew said...

Anonymous strikes again.

The most painful part of change is admitting it to yourself.
I'm proud of you for coming out of your self-induced wonderland.
I'm excited to get to know the new you.

4:13 PM  

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