Wednesday, February 02, 2005


So tired. Man i hate how parents just spring things on you and then just expect you to drop everything to comply with their wishes, but if you ever tried to pull that on them, BAM! Your getting threatened to be kicked out of the house. I'm not an extension of your arm anymore, i have a life that needs to be attended to. You give me no notice of upcoming events, and then just expect me to be free? No, contrary to popular belief i am NOT just trying to avoid spending time with you. You need to tell me things so that i can BOOK TIME FOR THEM. Its common curtousy.

I apologise for the ranting.

I finally got to meet the new girlfriend of an ex of mine that i am still good friends with tonight for the first time, and she opened my eyes to the world. I hadnt realized how narrow minded i had become as of late about how diverse the experiences that people around our age go through really are. This girl is a year or so older than me. She has a 7 month year old boy named Ben. Shes had to deal with being pregnant, going through labour and giving him up for adoption. Not anything CLOSE to the sheltered little life that i have been living. Well, TRUST me, my life hasnt been THAT perfect, but i havent even come CLOSE to experiencing what this girl has gone through. It astounds me that we have been on this earth for basically the same amount of time, and yet, led such different lives while still being so alike. Just by talking with her for a little while, i found that we shared a lot of the same thoughts, and yet, our lives have turned out so differently. I look forward to becoming closer with her and sharing this musing.

Song of the moment: We're going to be friends by The White Stripes


Blogger Civil Whisper said...

I really hate it when people think that two people are alike, for example, Andrew and I, or Lee and I. Sure, we have some similiar interests, or the same type of humour, but we are completely different people. I know exactly what you mean.

My cousin is a good example of that. He and I used to be really good friends and always played games at family birthdays and whatnot, then we both mutually stopped hanging out and talking to eachother. A couple years later I find out he writes music much like me, different genre, but lyrically we are very much alike. The same things go on in both of our heads, we were raised the same, but we are completely different people. Travis is a good guy. I like him.

10:42 AM  
Blogger tvpartytonight said...

Parents suck sometimes.

Poor girl. She sounds like a gangster. Sorry, I seem to be making light of a situation that is pretty serious.

I thought Kyle said he was going to name his kid Saskatoon. Hey Kyle, I'll make you a deal...if you name your boy Sebastien, then can I name my girl Belle?

5:15 PM  

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