Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Look around you. If this is a dream, the whole world's in it.

My how i've missed being the only one awake in the house. There is a certain amount of peace, that it seems i can only achieve, when no one else around me is coherent.
I feel free.
There really are no words to describe how i have missed this time of night.
4:30am is still my favorite time of day. I think it always will be. We have a certain love affair, that is not easily explained.
"Parting is such sweet sorrow." I really do feel that know.
I suppose it's finally time to move on. I will miss where i've been in my life.
I took the time to read all of my old thoughts. And the thoughts of others. I appreciate all who have cared. And have read. And have responded. And have been there. And are still there. Today.
Those who understand who i am, and love me despite it.
"I'm only free, because i never stop running." - Jimmi Hendrix. A lifelong friiend quoted that to me once. I read it again, and it spoke just as strongly to me now, as it did then.
I wonder if i can run forever...
My jumbled thoughts pour out of me, they run down my face like the tears, flowing, only pausing momentarily to glisten, if only for a moment. I love the stillness of the night.
If only it weren't winter, i would watch the sunrise. And hope for a new beginning. I am tired of this ending.
And yet, i will never tire of this ending. I have gained so much from my experience, and i will love you always for it. You will always have the key to my heart. For it was you who unlocked it.
Time is a trickster. It escapes us endlessly. Will it ever slow down and let us catch up?
I wonder.
i am.
I wish upon this falling star...

I suppose i'll go and lay upon the mushroom and think about pondering my existence. And hopefully, glimpse the stars...

Song of the moment: Andvari - Sigur Ros


Blogger Dissentient Being said...

this blog blog feels very peaceful...Zen-like. so are hanging out this weekend or what?

12:35 PM  
Blogger Syxx said...

i was in a zen-like place the last few days. i'm glad it crossed over into my writing.
hangouts would be fun, fun, fun:) i work all weekend during the day, but the evenings are pretty open so give me a shout:)
and call cora!!

11:55 PM  

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