It is my home. Who would i be, if i didn't try to make it better?
Hey world:)
Sorry it's been so long since i've actually expressed thought processes on here. It's long over due and i think i've figured out why i haven't been back.
I have the best best friend in the world, and he has made me realize that i have been in a rut. One that i am very happy to be slowly climbing out of.
I apologize to all my friends for myself as of late, and i promise things will be getting better in the near future.
Here's the deal:
This afore mentioned friend and i were chatting, about something completely different i might add, and he made me realize that i have been without purpose for far to long. I have been drifting, which don't get me wrong, it's nice sometimes, but must be dealt with in moderation. I wasn't moderating. I was...waiting. Waiting for what? I don't know, lightning to strike i suppose. But how often does lightning strike you at random?? You're much more likely to get shocked if you get out in the storm and start running around with a metal rod getting your feet wet. How i do miss my feet being wet.
So i', diving head first into the pool of knowledge and plan to get my self fully saturated once again. I'm not saying that i've figured out what i want to do with my life yet, what my purpose here is, i'm far from that. But at least i'm moving forward.
I told my friend that he fascinated me, after all this time, i was still intrigued by him. I love that. All of my friends are like that, its why i love you all.
My problem has been, that i have stopped fascinating and intriguing myself. I have reached a lull that i am so happy to say that i have started to shrugg off.
I hope to be much more interesting in the near future.
Let the downpour begin:)
Song of the moment: Sigur Ros - Takk. The whole album, not just the song. I listened to this album for hours, trying to decide which song imbodied my thoughts best, and it's all of them. The album as a whole. Listen to it, and you might be able to feel what i mean.
The photo in this post is from and was done by girltripped. It's titled 'be still my heart'.
I was in a rut too. I think I'm out now, or, at least, close. Lets hang out soon homey (I'm only an hour away now)
Done, done and done homeslice:)
I find myself in ruts sometimes, but it's those ruts that give you motivation to reach a higher place. Takk is a great album, and a even greater album when you play it when you are thinking about life.
Man's Search for Meaning - Victor Frankl
It helped me realise what my purpose in life is.
Follow your heart. Be aware of your omens. And you will do fine :).
You are intriguing, insanely wonderful, and eternal. I know and understand how you see it in others, but I'm completely flabbergast at the idea that you can't see it in yourself.
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