Thursday, September 01, 2005

On the other hand, you have different fingers. - Jack Handey

Wow. I haven't been here in a looong time, i apologize to all who care to read my random ramblings.

Well for updates on my life, i am no longer relocating to Calgary. Instead, i am now a full time student at the U of S in the College of Music as of September 7th. Exciting? I find it so. But that is because i am a nerd and the idea of wandering around campus makes me very happy inside. Perhaps i will someday have in my possession the amount of money that equals the privilege of owning ones very own digital camera, and i can go around and try and capture some of this joy. But until then, you all will have to wait, with unabaited breath of course due to the fact that much more talented candidates already posses such luxuries.

Positions in my collection of people are slowly but surely filling up. I have no acquired a husband, a boyfriend, a woman, and two girlfriends. Apply within.

Hmm, well i can't think of anything else that is new and exciting in my life except that some very dear friends of mine are relocating themselves to a bigger city in hopes of making something of themselves. This is neither new or exciting for myself, but i can still recognize that it is both for them, and i am ecstatic that they have this opportunity and are taking it. We only live once, and i wish them all the best, although i know they don't need it. I just hope that they won't forget me and that they will miss my presence perhaps once or twice. (I hope not as much as i will miss theirs, for i do not wish that sort of despair on any human being.) But i am going to stop talking about this because i can no longer see the screen due to the steady flow of liquid leaking from my eyes. (Stop watching my eyes pee you bastards)

Song(s) of the moment: Swerdcooledit by Trev Tarhos
I'm leaving on a Jet Plane by Aerosmith
I'll Let You Go by Carolyn Dawn Johnson
Fly by Celine Dion
International You Day by No Use For a Name
Deep-end fluxuations? by Cedars Bloom (in my head)


Blogger Ash said...

Oh Niki. You will always have a special reserved spot in the hearts of cedar's bloom. Thank you for believing in us.. It means alot. We hope you visit frequently. And i'm proud of you for staying here to go to school. : ) I think it was a wise decision.

8:35 PM  
Blogger Syxx said...

Thanks Lee, your comments mean so much to me. I hope that the reserved spot in your hearts can also transfer to your place in Edmonton for my many roadtrips...:)

3:17 PM  
Blogger Syxx said...

Yes, where HAVE you been Kmar?? I miss the dearly:(

4:45 PM  

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